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Consulting Services

Leading and supporting people though change, by creating and improving systems and processes, streamlining chaos, engaging teams to pull together, and supporting individuals as they reach for their goals.



Are you picking the right projects to execute your strategy?  Are you consistently delivering on those initiatives?  If the answer to either of those is no, or you are not sure then you might benefit from creating or improving the following capabilities:

  • Portfolio Management: selecting the right projects, managing intake, etc

  • Program/Project Management:  increasing ability to consistently get projects over the finish line

  • Demand/Capacity Management:  increasing transparency and awareness of impacts

  • Organizational Change Management:  getting people on board with change

  • Process Improvement:  measuring and improving effectiveness


Is your organization having a hard time with getting initiatives over the finish line?  Does it seem like nothing ever gets accomplished?  Sitting in endless meeting talking about the same thing?  You might benefit from: 

  • Coaching and developing managers to lead large complex initiatives in a transparent proactive, and productive way

  • Honing ability to have productive meetings and move the ball forward

  • Reviewing and improving tools and processes to become more effective



Whether its providing training, methodology, process to your organization or rolling up my sleeves to lead by example managing large, complex initiatives in a transparent and productive way:  

  • Ensuring everyone understands why the project is being done and what they need to do  

  • Keeping an up to date schedule so that everyone is aware of what and by when

  • Proactively managing project issues and risks so that everyone knows what the problems are and what is being done to address them

  • Effectively communicating formally, informally, written and verbal

  • Leading meetings effectively with a broad cross functional team to convey status, issues/risks, clear understanding of impacts to changes, and more

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